Okay! School start. New rule new arrangements cos of the H1N1!Now we dun need to go to subject teacher homeroom instead all the subject teacher come to our homeroom: )But some subject we still have to go to different place.Like art we stil have to go art class,pe still need to go hall,& I hope enrichment will still be the same,mix class!& PLEASE I WANT DRAMA!Actually I like this arrangement,cos we dun need keep walking up & down around the whole school anymore..Can you imaging first lesson you are at 1st floor, 2nd lesson you at 4floor,then 3rd lesson you back to first floor again, then 4lesson back to 3rd floor & keep continue this way,back here back there!Is like wth la!Some more we have more than 4lesson a day !Well the bad point is that we all have to sit according to register number.Damn it! My register no is 3!! Have the sit beside the window-.-But still ok,sometime we change our place without teacher knowing.Hehes^^
See fuwee smile untill so happy while taking photo with me: ) CUTEE? IS SIAO!
After school went to subway eat our lunch: )Seriously this is the first time I eat subway.OMG!!Hahahas!Okay, Is not bad.
So. after. eating. our. lunch. we. went. to. playground.slacked.