So went to this 'Spicy Lady' steamboat shop at the opp Novena velocity.OKAY! THIS SHOP IS TOTALLY MAKE OUR MOOD DOWN LIKE HELL!
When we eat half way the rain start heaving & no shelter some more!So cos our food is all until the rain-.-.Before that we had alr ask the shop's ppl if rain all this how & he call us not to worry..So we happily sit down & enjoy ourself.Then end up like this ar.NICE ONE LA!Before the heavy rain they stil dun wan move our food in to the shop, until the heavy rain start then they rush!! What for??!!Some more the shop's stuff still quarrel with us of the price of steamboat!WTF! Dun wanna talk about it,recall make me feel damn angry!
SOOOOO..After the stupid things happen,we all went to Novena Velocity to cool ourself down..RUN under the heaving rainnnn~!!!HAHHAS.All is wet after the rain run.LOL!Walk walk around then buy cake take 166 back amk eat cake.
Around 10plus reached amk,ksk left first.Then we went to shelter to celebrate he's bd!Sing song,wish,cut cake,eat cake.Then chat & play true or dare with Jake & evan.LOL!: )
Jake sorry did't really give you a birthday celebrate.I know you not really happy,but at least you know our heart right.LOL,I still hope you enjoy with us ya.Although today abit unlucky,but I guess we all stil did enjoy.
To you : I think sometime you should learn to think abt other ppl feeling.I know you sure got reason why you suddenly mood down.But mood down must at the right time.And sorry I dun wanna ask what happen cos I know you will say'nothing' to me.Sometime Im tired to ask 'what happen' when I always get a reply is 'nothing' from you.Im always waiting for you to share,but it seen like Im not a believer,not a person that you can trust on.Am I right? is okay.
Let's continue..
Around 12 shiling wt went home first.Glen & zixiang came.Slacked at shelter,open present,play balloon.Chat & chat & chat.Awhile change place to under block.Talk about ghost story,disturd..LOL! Then around 1plus all went home.
Me & shan went to meet Bk to thomsan eat supper.LOL!Then reach home at 3am.
After everythings Im really tired now.
Goodnight^ ^