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    Monday, December 28, 2009

    Happy Birthday Kenghua: )

    I dun know how to update this post.Erm..

    Firstly,today I wake up at 3.30pm.And 6pm went to amk meet up with flona and amanda.Later went to 700 with F and A to meet up with gopi.brandon.rupert.sangwoo and kenghua.Awhile,I saw glenden and matthew.While waiting for zixiang and jake to reached,we went up to the cinema to buy tickect first.Waste alot of time at cinema.Cos of the and ofcos the money,alot of ppl cannot make it.So left 8 of us which is me.flona.gopi.jake.zixiang.kenghua.brandon and sangwoo decide to watch midnight show at 12.10am(sherlock holmes).After buying the ticket me and my girls went to have our dinner first and i dk what happen to the boys. After eating,went to centre to buy things and then back to 700 look for the guys.And jake and zixiang finally came.Slacked for 3hours to our show start^^And Evan.qihao.brandon ang.kahhui and mengzhong came and look for us to chitchat awhile.Later about 12 went up the the cinema for our show.Alot of ppl say sherlock holmes is a nice movie.Although that's some part quite nice and funny,but to me I really dun like this type of show: (And this movie is about 2hours+ lo.Wth-.-Make me feel so sleepy and so cold inside.Hais~So after movie went to s11 for supper.Then to parkmac ton until first bus.Parkmac so fun: )

    Sorry didnt buy any big cake for you.Hope you dun mind.And this mac write the wording cannot make it also.Last time is so much more better than this time!And kenghua still can be so happy,no wonder is birthday boy,nomatter what also must put the smiling face high up,alright?Birthdayboy: )

    I almost cry while playing "heart attack" with zixiang.The bloody jake ask zi xiang hit me hard.And this stupid zixiang really do what jake say and hit me damn hard!Cannot tahan.Look like he hurt worst than me,but he say I hit no feeling-.-ANgry!

    Tomorrow I will be sleeping one whole day at home: )

    7 more days to school reopen!

    Happy or sad:):