Meet Wt and Jake to Yishun eat dinner: )After that went to playground slack.Then around 10plus company him back home.And me & wt damn stupid keep finding jake house while he happily went home. Bcos of him we no bus to back home.So ours turn to play him back.Msg him tell him that we got no money to back home and ask him to take money for us.He really steady,take money down but when he reach came down we alr inside mrt to amk le..Is wt idea not me ar..But I join in too la!Hhehe^^Who ask you!But anyway thank alot bestfriend: )
So taking MRT to amk ask for help.Went up to mz house to disturd him.Funny.The stupid wt dun know why so high.Laught like idoit! And ass thanks for your $52 (Dun tell anyone I eat your money ar and now wt is yours le)and you need to thanks me too.For helping you take this 'cute' photo: )
Cab back home with wt.And now we both are"Clear Girl Girl"-.-
Today I feel bad.Today I feel sad.Today I drop my tear.Today I feel lonely.Today I hurt you and myself.Today I regret.Today my heartbreak.Today I can't sleep.Today is a special day.Today is 090909.