No school,so I stay at home for one whole day & keep sleeping like a pig.
A very great rest day.
Im damn high today! I dun know why! Wahahas.
Maybe Im just too happy ba.
After school,company shan take back her phone.
Wait for the ass teacher around 2 hour lo!
SLUT! Really lo,she very yaya lei.I had nv seen a teacher like this lo.
Ppl all the way go look for her & then she still say so much things &let ppl wait for her!
& then make ppl walked all around the school just to look for her to ask her write a letter.Irratating.
1.45pm end school end up 3plus then leave school! Win liao lo-.-
Make us can't do what we actually plan!:(
After that stupid things.Me & shan take 88 back home while shiling take 138 Flona take 132.Reached the busstop we decide to go hougang point to print some photo to make card for evan's birthday.After that,buy some food & drink back home.
Around 6 plus finish bath all this,went down to look for shan.& we plan to do the card together.But end upwe start at 9plus! We waste 3hour on computer.LOL! Went to play hotel626!LOL.Not scary at all lo.Stupid fuwee!Hahas.But we did enjoy la! Funny lei both us! Like idoit lo.Wahahas.Then 9plus we start to do the card.Make so many time of the card,Evan's card i using the longer time & then nothing is out!I feeling so sad la.9pm to 2 am lo!5hour le,end up i did nothing & somemore so tiring!Hais!
So in the end I bring nothing home.Not even a small card!: (