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    Monday, March 16, 2009

    Went to Cityhall with Huishan,Shiling,Wt,Flona,Sally,Ksk,Mz & Jake.Do my stupid bloody laptop!After went to Reffles walk walk,eat,disturd,then back amk for dinner while waiting for Evan to meet us.Ather eating,Evan reached.Then went to but tickets of'COMING SOON'(NC16) start at 11.50pm.After buying the tickets went to playground take photo(photo below).Time reach went back to watch the show.Check in.All can go in only two cannot go in.KSK & TMZ!LOL.Xiaodidi under 16.Hahas.So they change to watch other show 'DRAGON BALL EVOLUTION'.Then watch the show.Funny & Scary!!!Jake,We are sorry to you.Finish show around 1plusthen went to mac eat fries.Around 3 plus go home^^