Finally school reopen le.Today art lesson Mr Yip nv come!But relief teacher take over.(He super cute)Find my sketch book for around 15min.Idoit lo.But nvm got relief teacher helping me.LOls.After i found my sketch book,we start to draw our own.Hahas.Then while we draw half way got one stupid show us he's art work,he feeling so high while showing us the art work.You know what he draw about? The person who he like(Weetheng is you).And then he draw her like &*@#$%&(I got no comment ar,photo below)KSK pls put more effort in your art.^^ After art lesson is phy lesson,boring la.Then 'Ya Ya Boy' tell me something make my mood from up to down.Really feel uncomfortable.Suddenly my eye pain and can't control myself.After school go eat with SL,HS,JAKE,EVAN,MZ.After eating, Me,Hs,Sl went to amk chat chat while waiting for Sally.And shan cut her hair($3.50) and I shave my eyebrown($5).Talk awhile and walk around Amkhub around 5plus back home.Reached home bath all this go huishan house.My laptop is so suck.This time is cannot connect to the wireless,need to go back cityhall again-.- SIAN! Now I'm using shan laptop to blog.Thanks & I love you^^
Ya.I'm 18 this year,but i dun behave like 18.and my attitude is so suck that no one can stand it.So i can't gain the respect from other.And right,I'm nothing to all of you.So be it.No one is prefect so am I and YOU.Dun worry and guess who am I talking about.I'm just telling to myself.And suddenly I'm thinking you left issit cos of my childish behaviour and my unstandable attitude.And things will change around you SO AM I.